To join C3 is to be a part our Pack family. Learn what the C3 experience is all about and hear our students’ stories firsthand.
Discover the C3 Experience
The students in C3 are the heart of what makes our program great. The journey through university and beyond is a big one, and we’re committed to celebrating every moment.
C3 is equipped with the tools and community to support our students at every milestone, from application to graduation. We get our students career-ready and integrated into the Pack from day one at community college. Ready for cookouts at NC State ballgames? Career development workshops? Howling Cow ice cream socials? We’ve got you covered!
The C3 transfer experience means being career-ready upon graduation. By joining the Pack through us, we help you Think and Do by connecting you with resources on campus to excel in your profession. We’re devoted to helping you do what you love, both in the classroom and beyond.
The C3 staff can connect you with faculty and departments on campus that are hiring. You’ll gain meaningful professional development that’s closely aligned with your major while earning a paycheck to help cover college costs.
Check out the cool stuff we have helped past C3 students accomplish and hear from them what #ThinkAndDoC3 means to them!
Rafael Stanziola-Clark ’23
Industrial Engineering
Sabrina Pietrosemoli ’22
Undergraduate Research in Biomedical Engineering
“This position what my first experience as a researcher. It helped me develop valuable skills needed in a research lab, but the most valuable aspects of my experience were the connections I built and the reassurance to continue down the research path. The C3 program truly opened these doors for me, and I am forever grateful.”
Brennan Higgins ’24
Middle Grades Education
Justice Skinner
Undergraduate Research in comparative anatomy
Pursuing degree in Animal Science with a plan to attend veterinary school
“I found out about this position through a spreadsheet of C3-funded jobs presented by C3’s Director Martha Harmening. My favorite aspects of my job are how flexible the hours are and the amount of hands-on work that is included. I’m learning a lot about the anatomy of a variety of creatures, primarily lemurs, and as a result I’ll be more prepared going into veterinary school after I graduate.“
We host a variety of events for our C3 students to connect, learn about NC State resources, and get familiar with our campus before transferring. Join us!
As a C3 student, you will be assigned an NC State advisor upon admission to the program. The advisor will help you identify majors that are aligned with your interests and academic abilities, map a comprehensive course plan, and ensure that courses taken at the community college will transfer to your intended major. You will also receive financial aid advising to maximize aid eligibility and minimize student debt.
Online Planning Tools
You will have direct access to NC State’s specialized online advising and course planning tools. These tools will help develop a comprehensive academic course plan to enhance the timely completion of both the associate’s and bachelor’s degrees. We have also created a specialized C3 Moodle page to help you learn about navigating NC State classes before you arrive on campus.
Networking Opportunities
While enrolled at the community college, you will have opportunities to visit NC State’s campus for a wide range of engaging C3 activities and programs. These activities are made to help you build community with other C3 students and become connected with NC State’s campus. We encourage attendance at these social events to ease your transition to NC State.
C3 and other NC State representatives will also visit the community college campuses several times during the regular academic year to meet with C3 students and make sure they are progressing toward their goals and staying connected with one another.
Programs and Events
C3 knows transferring to NC State can feel overwhelming–most of our staff have done it ourselves! College is more than the classroom, and we value every aspect of your college experience. We host events to help connect you with fellow students and with NC State’s campus. We host a wide range of activities to help you feel at home on campus. Some that we have done in the past include…
Support for Military Veterans
Military transfers and deployments can complicate your path to a college degree. For our military-affiliated students, we offer added support including connecting you with advisors from NC State’s Veterans Education and Jeffrey Wright Military and Veteran Services to maximize your education benefits.
Guaranteed Admission
You are in at NC State. While we don’t guarantee admission to a specific major, we have a place for you and will help you find a major that meets your goals. After completing your associate degree with a cumulative 3.0+ GPA, you are guaranteed admission to NC State.